Gestational Diabetes Normal Delivery

We went to the hospital on the 15th of August at 8:00 pm for the planned induction procedure due to gestational diabetes. They started inducing me at around 10:30 pm that day. The next day 10:00 am I was 3cm dilated and started to get strong contractions and was trying to cope up with the labor. The contractions were coming every 2 minutes so I thought that my cervix is dilating faster and tried breathing techniques and birthing ball techniques taught by Riddhi and some HypnoBirthing techniques taught by Rita and was managing pain till 6 pm.

At that time I decided that if my cervix is already passed 6-7cm then I will not take epidural. But unfortunately, my cervix was only dilated to 4cm so I decided to take epidural as I was already exhausted by strong contractions due to Pitocin. In the night at around 10:30 pm, they did again checked the cervix and I was still at 4cm dilation and the baby’s heartbeat were dropping due to strong contractions. They stopped the Pitocin in the night to see if the baby is okay with that.

I was using peanut ball to make a space and changing sides in the bed every hour. In the morning with the epidural, I started feeling strong contractions so I asked my doctor to check. And wow! I was 9cms dilated. In half an hour I felt strong urge to push the baby out so I again called the doctor and she said that I was ready to push as my cervix was 10cms dilated + 1. In about 30 minutes we finally got our bundle of joy in our hands and are very happy with the exercise class and HypnoBirthing session I took. I am already feeling the recovery and thanks to HypnoBirthing101 and Pregnancy101 for the same. Thank you so much for all the support and guidance. We are feeling blessed
Aashka n Avdhut 🥰😘

Learn more about pregnancy, baby care & breastfeed related information and pregnancy classes visit our website Rita’s Pregnancy 101.

Rita Singha

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