How To Protect Babies From Mosquito Bites?

Mosquitoes- those small flies that feed on blood of their hosts can be quite dangerous not only to adults but also the infants. Babies become the prey of these vector-borne insects quite quickly and most often. Preventing the little ones from these small insect is a matter of concern for all the mothers whether it’s in-house or while playing at a park near-by.

Here are a few simple steps about protecting children from mosquitoes quoted by Radhika Patel practising pediatrician from United states

  • Do not keep stagnate water in the house uncovered as this gives breeding area to mosquitopregnant women mosquito bite
  • Using home repellents like citronella oil/ pure orange oil is effective in keeping mosquitoes away from children. These oils should be applied on baby’s clothes and shoes and not on skin
  • Dress the kids with light-coloured clothes that cover their arms and legs. Wearing darsk color clothes will attract the mosquitoes to the babies
  • Using mosquito-proof net over stollers. This will protect the babies will in the open area.
  • Using mosquito proff mesh on doors and windows to avoid mosquitoes entering the house.
  • Using repellents as per the kid’s age. No repellant should be used for the first two months of the baby’s birth. After which a repellant containing 10% Deet can be used.
  • Buring neem or eucalyptus leaves in the room where the baby is during the peak mosquito season will help get rid of these wicked creatures.
  • Avoid going out with kids at twilight and evening when mosquitoes work at threir best.


There are a few signs by which we can figure out if a mosquito has bitten the baby. The bitten area is usually swollen with the centre turning red. In Rita’s Pregnancy 101 prenatal program, pregnant women are taught these simple yet effective way to protect their new born.

The following immediate steps should be taken in case of a mosquito bite:

  • Mosquito Bite to a New BornFor immediate relief put cold compress on the bite to get rid of the swelling or applying oatmeal paste on the bite will also help to reduce the same.
  • Applying aloe vera also helps as it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps reduce the itching.
  • Basil paste also helps in keeping the mosquitoes away due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-mosquito properties.
  • Applying calamine lotion which helps soothe the bitten area.


However if bite is accompanied by fever, headaches,uneasiness then visit to doctor is must..

One cannot completely avoid contact with these tiny but harmful insects but can certainly try keeping them away as much as possible.

For more tips on new born safety, check

Deepal Chokshi

Child birth educator at Rita's Pregnancy 101 Panchwati centre, Ahmedabad.

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